Porcupine Programmer

Programming rants, random stuff and some more programming.

ContentProvider Series - Uris

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The ContentResolver and SQLiteDatabase APIs are very similar:

public Cursor query (Uri uri,      String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs,                                String sortOrder            )
public Cursor query (String table, String[] columns,    String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String groupBy, String having, String orderBy, String limit)

Some arguments are renamed, SQL-specific groupBy+having are omitted, and limit also got an axe, but it is pretty much the same, except for the first argument.

Content Uris 101

Instead of specifying database table, you have to pass the Uri describing the resource you want to access. By convention the Uri should have content scheme (use SCHEME_CONTENT constant), followed by the ContentProvider authority, and the path, which is mapped to resources.

If you have ever accessed any REST-ish API, or built the routes table for the web app, you’ll find it familiar. Querying /foo should return the list of foos, /foo/1 operates on foo with id 1 and /foo/1/bar refers to all bars related to foo with id 1. The last Uri pattern is not mentioned in API Guides, but is widely used in Google I/O Schedule app and system ContentProviders.

Publish – subscribe

The Uri parameter leaks from ContentProvider API into Cursor. You can call Cursor.setNotificationUri() to specify that the Cursor will observe changes on the given Uri and propagate the notification to all ContentObservers registered with Cursor.registerContentObserver(). So when someone calls ContentResolver.notifyChange() on the same Uri, these ContentObservers will be notified of the change. This is the mechanism that powers the automatic reloading of CursorLoaders.

But what about the related Uris? Shouldn’t observers of /foo Uri be notified when the /foo/1 is updated? In case of standard Cursors that’s exactly what happens, because the observers registered in AbstractCursor base class use true as notifyForDescendents parameter. But if your specific use case requires observing only single specific Uri, you can call contentResolver.registerContentObserver(uri, false, observer).


Content Uri semantics for querying content, i.e. how the Uri path affects the query, were already described in “Content Uris 101” section above. Semantics for other actions are not explicitly specified anywhere in the Android documentation, but again I/O Schedule app and system ContentPoviders implement it in a common way that can be thought of as standard to be followed.

For deletes and updates the Uri path are treated the same ways as for queries – as additional selection.

For inserts, the Uri path is translated to additional ContentValues that should be inserted into database, e.g. insert on /foo/42/bar create new bar record with supplied ContentValues and with foo_id (or similar foreign key field) set to 42.

Issue #1 – many to many

The described mechanics work well for one-to-many relations, but there is a problem with entities in many-to-many relations. Let’s use sessions and tags from Google I/O Schedule app as an example. Each session can be tagged with mutliple tags, and many sessions can be tagged with the same tag.

The semantics of querying /sessions/*/tags or /tags/*/sessions are OK. The first one should return all tags of a given session and the second one should yield the list of sessions tagged with a given tag. But on which Uri should you insert a new link between existing tag and existing session?

Usually many-to-many relationships are modeled with linking table, in this case “sessions_tags”. But you cannot really pass the related tag and session in Uri path: /sessions/*/tags/*/sessions_tags or similar Uris look weird. One option is to put it directly in ContentValues, but this means that this entities will be created in a different way than all the other entities in one-to-many relations. Another option is use query parameters, i.e. insert on /sessions_tags?relatedTo=/tags/*&relatedTo=/sessions/* Uri, which is ugly, but explicit.

Issue #2 – subscription vs. joins

Let’s go back to querying the /sessions/*/tags endpoint. Under the hood we’d join tags table with sessions_tags table, but most likely we’d set the Cursor’s notification Uri to /sessions/*/tags. It means that our Cursor won’t be notified of changes on /tags, /sessions_tags and descendant Uris, although it might affect the data we queried.

The only solution offered by Android SDK is calling notifyChange on insert, delete and update with multiple Uris, but there are two issues with this approach: you might end up notifying half of your endpoints for every small change, forcing way to many content reloads; it’s error prone, because changing one endpoint might require manual changes of many different endpoints.

What you really need for such cases are multiple notification Uris on Cursor, alas, that’s not possible with regular Cursors implementations.
