Porcupine Programmer

Programming rants, random stuff and some more programming.

Mobilization 2013

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I gave the talk at the Mobilization 2013 conference this weekend. I have presented few libraries created at Base CRM to make the data model maintainable. Here are the slides:

Besides giving the talk, I have attended few other very interesting talks: +Wojtek Erbetowski has shown the way they test Android apps at Polidea using RoboSpock; +Mateusz Grzechociński introduced Android devs to new build system and shared an awesome gradle protip: use —daemon command line parameter to shave off few seconds from gradle startup. +Mateusz Herych described the Dagger basics and warned about few pitfalls. Mieszko Lassota described some UI blunders not only from the programming world. Finally, Krzysztof Kocel and Paweł Urban summarised the security pitfalls.

All in all, this years Mobilization conference was a great place to be at. See you there next year!
